We are compiling some needed and often requested information for pet owners and our community! This page will continue to grow as we hear feedback from you! If you think we should include information that is not found on this page, please send us a note through our Contact Us page!
Lost Pets
A lost pet can be a frightening experience for any pet parent. Immediate action is crucial, but where do you start? Follow the steps below for the best chance of a reunion.
What to do immediately after your pet goes missing:
Walk the neighborhood:
Take a walk around the immediate area and speak to any neighbors, postal service workers, landscapers, or anyone who may have seen your lost pet. You know your pet best, so look in areas that your pet may have been interested in or comfortable hiding in. Most pets are found close to home.
Share their scent:
Put a couple of your pet's favorite items near the most common entry ways into your home. The front door and the door into your yard would be the best locations. You can include items like their favorite bed, blanket, toys, their litterbox (if cat) and any other items they use frequently. Their scents may help them find their way home.
Next Steps:
Search for your lost dog or cat on Petco Love Lost: We have partnered with Petco Love Lost to easily help search the national lost and found database and create a searchable/shareable alert for your missing pet. Upload a a picture of your pet or searching by location. Powered by facial recognition technology, Petco Love Lost helps match found animals to reported lost pets nationwide. Visit Petco Love Lost and search now! If you haven't done so already, be sure to register your pet on Petco Love Lost to do things like create a Lost listing that can be shared and print out pre-made fliers. You can also receive fliers via text message or email.
Use the sharing features on Petco Love Lost to distribute your lost pet listing on other social media outlets like Facebook, Craigslist, and Nextdoor.
Two local lost pet Facebook pages: Lost Pets of Westchester and Lost Pets of the Hudson Valley.
Make sure your pet’s microchip information is updated: If a finder takes your missing pet to be scanned for a microchip, you want to make sure that all the information is correct so that you will be contacted immediately.
Check with your local animal services, animal control, and animal shelters: Call to see if your missing pet is at one of these locations. An in-person trip is preferable so you can look and see if your pet is in their care. Many organizations allow you to place a lost report with them, where you can leave a photo of your pet and your contact information.
Continue to spread the word about your missing pet: Make sure any posters or fliers made are large and bright with only relevant information on it. Place in high traffic areas and in the vicinity of where your lost pet went missing.
Don’t give up! Finding a lost pet can take time. Remember to regularly check websites that you have posted your lost pet on and make updates as needed. New lost and found pets are added regularly to Petco Love Lost and to your local shelters.
We are having a baby:
We are moving and our apartment does not allow pets:
> There are many complexes/buildings in Westchester County that allow pets - give us a call for assistance
Misbehaved Pets:
> Consider Training:
> Have them checked by your vet, behavior problems could be due to a medical condition that could be easily resolved.
My Cat is peeing outside of the litter box:
> This could be due to a urinary tract infection (UTI) so have them checked by your veterinarian
> If you moved your cats litter box this could be the issue
> You may need to change the litter box more frequently or add another box
I cannot afford to take care of my pet:
> There are many low cost vaccine clinics, often at Petco's and Petsmarts
> Consider Care Credit
> We have a Community Kibble program that provides food and supplies at no cost!
There are stray cats in my yard or neighborhood:
> Make sure the cats do not belong to anyone, hang signs in your neighborhood and contact local animal control or police departments
> If the cats are not owned and you are able to approach them and handle them (pet, pick up), fill out request below
> If the cats do not allow handling, look for a local TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) group in your area.
> Once the cats are returned you can build housing and food stations for them to stay safe and warm in the winter:
> Housing:
> Feeding Stations:
I need a temporary foster due to military leave or a hospital stay:
> Pact for Animals is a great resource that matches you up with a foster home looking to help:

My pet needs a procedure/surgery that I can't afford:
> A wonderful organization, Buddy's Healing Paws, has a program in place to support pet parents in need. You can fill out a request for help on their website here: