Humane Education
Part of our mission is to educate the youth of today to create the animal rescuers of tomorrow! In addition to our junior volunteer sessions, we wanted to provide our young rescuers with some crafts, activities, and fun lessons to do at home!
Crafts and Activities

Make Dog or Cat Hats:
Cut out two ears and two strips of paper for the hat.
Start painting/decorating the ears and strips using a sponge and paint, or crayons/markers!
Let dry.
Staple or tape strips together to make a hat.
Staple or tape ears onto the hat to make it look like a dog or cat.
Wear your hat and send us some pictures!

Collage Art
Draw the different shapes needed to make a dog or cat onto cardstock or paper. In the example they drew two ovals, triangle ears, and an odd shaped piece for his eye. OR you can find miscellaneous materials and items from around the house to use for shapes - get creative!
Glue shapes onto a different colored cardstock or paper.
Go on a hunt around your house to find objects to use for the nose, mouth, and eyes. You can also look for materials to use for his/her collar.
Glue the materials on.
Add any extra details you want!
Send in your creation!

Color or Decorate a Pet:
Download PDF below of the animals!
Print out and color/decorate!
Send in your creations!

Paper Bag Puppet:
Cut out pieces of paper for the dog's head, ears, feet tail and collar. Your dog craft can be any color you'd like!
Place your still-folded lunch bag on the table. Glue your collar onto the bag as shown.
Glue the circle (head) onto the bottom flap of the bag. Glue an ear onto each side.
Glue on the googly eyes and the nose/mouth - or draw these on!
Glue the name tag onto the collar - or draw this on!
Glue one set of paws midway down the bag and the other set of paws at the bottom of the bag (near the opening).
Fun activities to do with your pets at home (treats, tricks, games, etc):
There are lots of fun things you can do with your pets! Having fun with your pet is a great way for you to bond together too! Here are some fun activities to do with your furry friends at home:
For cats:
Toilet paper tube: Use a toilet paper tube and cover it in duct tape. Cut small holes into it, fill it with some kibble and you have an interactive meal time toy!
Peek-a-boo puzzle: Use a small and thin box (pizza boxes work great!) and cut holes just big enough for a toy ball to fit through. Seal off the openings of the box with duct tape and add balls and toy mice. Your cat will have a blast trying to catch the toys inside!
Sock toys: You will need a clean sock for this project. Add some newspaper or packing paper to the sock. Leave enough room to tie a knot at the end. Paper makes a great crinkle sound your cat will love! You can also add some catnip inside too!
For dogs:
DIY Rope Toy: Using an old t-shirt or extra fabric scraps, cut the t-shirt or fabric into 3 long strips. Tie the three strips together at the top and begin braiding the fabric strips. Once you reach the end, tie it off. Now you have an awesome tug of war toy your dog will love!
Tennis Ball Muffin Tin Puzzle: All you need is a muffin tin and some tennis balls. Place some treats in the muffin tin and hide them by placing the tennis balls over them.
Print and Play Activities!
Paws Crossed Word Search:
Dog and Cat Coloring Pages:
Dog Connect the Dots:
Cat Connect the Dots:
Some other resources for things to do!
Teaching kids how to safely interact with dogs and cats through pictures!! Download the infographics below and go over with your family at home! We have also put together some great information for kids to learn how to be responsible pet owners!
*Important: Be sure to ask the parent or adult you are with if it is ok if you ask to pet someone's dog*
Learning about owning a pet, how to be a responsible pet owner, and what to feed and not feed your pets!
Being a pet owner is a big responsibility! Just like people, pets need lots of attention and care. There are some important things to think about before you adopt a pet. Dogs need to be walked a few times each day and exercise to be healthy. Cats need a clean litter box to use everyday and many cats like to be active by playing with fun toys. Most important of all, your pets need lots of love from you!
Before we talk about the importance of being a responsible pet owner, think about some ways to keep pets safe that we will cover later:
What are some things to keep out of reach from pets?
Are all foods safe for pets?
What are some safe and fun activities to do with pets?
Now let's talk about what it takes to be a responsible pet owner!
Pet proofing your home! It is really important that your home is safe for your pets. These are some ways to keep your pet safe at home:
Things like medicine, cleaning supplies, chemicals and laundry supplies need to be in a safe place away from your pets.
Keep harmful food (including wrappers and packaging) out of reach of your pets.
Make sure cabinets, toilets, washing machines, and dryers are always closed properly.
Keep wires, cables and strings out of reach.
Always put away children's toys and games.
Some plants can be really harmful to pets. If you can, try hanging your plants so your pets cannot reach them or bring them outside.
Make sure your windows and vents are closed and secure.

Vet visits and spay/neuter:
Just like humans, your pet will need to go to the vet for regular checkups. Making sure your pet is healthy is very important!
Have your pet spayed or neutered. Many studies show that spayed/neutered pets live healthier and longer lives. If you're adopting (we hope so!) this will likely be done before you take a pet home!
Taking your pet to the groomer is also important! Dogs often need a bath and a nail trim to keep them clean and healthy. Cats do not need to go to the groomer as often as dogs but it is important that they have their nails trimmed too.

What to feed/not feed your pet:
There are many human foods that are not healthy for pets. Pets have specific food that is healthy and nutritious for them. Be sure to ask your vet what food is best for your pets.
Dogs need to eat dog food. This includes wet and dry dog food. Some prefer to only feed dry food and that is okay too but make sure to consult with your veterinarian!
Dry dog food usually comes in large bags and looks like crunch pieces of food. You'll want to avoid overly colored foods.
Wet dog food comes in cans and can be mixed with dry dog food so it is tastier for your dog.
Ingredients and quality of food is important, so make sure to check that the first few ingredients contain a protein (fish, chicken, beef, etc.)
Cats need to eat cat food. They can eat wet and dry cat food. Make sure to consult with your veterinarian!
Dry cat food also comes in large bags and sometimes fun shapes too! You can leave a small bowl of dry food out for your cat so they can have a snack during the day.
Wet cat food comes in cans and in many different textures. Some cats love pate and other cats love bits in gravy. Whatever texture your cat likes, it is really important to always feed them wet food. Feeding your cat wet food helps to keep them hydrated!
Ingredients and quality of food is important, so make sure to check that the first few ingredients contain a protein (fish, chicken, beef, etc.)
For both cats and dogs, it is important to always have fresh water in their water bowl.
There are some human foods that can be harmful to your pet. They include but are not limited to:
Chocolate, candy and gum (especially gum that include the ingredient xylitol)
Grapes and raisins
Onions and garlic
Nuts like pecans, almonds, macadamia and walnuts
Here are some tips to prevent your pet from eating harmful foods:
- Always store food out of your pets reach
Keep your pets away from the kitchen while you are cooking
Be sure to pick up food as soon as it falls so your pet will not have a chance to eat it